Height of Binary Tree After Subtree Removal Queries

Try to solve the Height of Binary Tree After Subtree Removal Queries problem.


We are given the root of a binary tree with nn nodes and an array, queries, of size mm. Each query represents the root of a subtree that should be removed from the tree. The task here is to determine the height of the binary tree after each query, i.e., once a subtree is removed. We'll store the updated heights against each query in an array and return it.

Note: A tree’s height is the number of edges in the longest path from the root to any leaf node in the tree.

A few points to be considered:

  • All the values in the tree are unique.

  • It is guaranteed that queries[i] will not be equal to the value of the root.

  • The queries are independent, so the tree returns to its initial state after each query.


  • 2≤2 \leq nn ≤500\leq 500

  • 1≤1 \leq Node.data ≤\leq nn

  • mm == queries.length

  • 1≤1 \leq mm ≤min(\leq min(nn, 400)400)

  • 1≤1 \leq queries[i] ≤\leq nn

  • queries[i] ≠\neq root.data


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