

Solution: Check If It Is a Straight Line

Solution: Check If It Is a Straight Line

Let’s solve the Check If It Is a Straight Line problem using the Math and Geometry pattern.


You are given an array, coordinates, where each element in coordinates[i] =[x,y]= [x, y] represents the coordinates of a point on a 2D\text{2D} plane. Determine whether all the points in the array lie on a single straight line in the XY plane.


  • 22 \leq coordinates.length 1000\leq 1000

  • coordinates[i].length ==2== 2

  • 104-10^4 \leq coordinates[i][0]coordinates[i][1] 104\leq 10^4

  • coordinates do not contain any duplicate points.


We need to determine whether a given array of coordinates in a 2D\text{2D} plane lies in a single straight line. This problem is approached using the Math and Geometry pattern, using the slope of a straight line.

Key intuition:

The slope represents the change in y-coordinates\text{y-coordinates} relative to the change in x-coordinates\text{x-coordinates} for any two points on the line. So, the slope between two points, (x1,y1)(x_1,y_1) and (x2,y2)(x_2,y_2), is defined as:


The slope property for straight lines states that for a set of points to lie on a straight line, the slope between all the points must remain constant.

To simplify the solution and reduce the computational overhead of checking the slope property for all points, we can fix the first point as a reference and compute the slopes between this reference point and all other points instead of checking all possible pairs of points.

For example: If we have points P0{P_0}, P1{P_1}, and P2P_2; the slope of the line between P0P_0 and P1P_1 is ΔY1ΔX1 \dfrac{ΔY_1}{ΔX_1}. Also, the slope between P0P_0 and the subsequent point P2P_2 is ΔY2ΔX2 \dfrac{ΔY_2}{ΔX_2}. So, for the points, P0{P_0}, P1{P_1} and P2P_2 to lie in the straight line, they should have equal slopes, i.e. ΔY1ΔX1=ΔY2ΔX2\dfrac{ΔY_1}{ΔX_1} = \dfrac{ΔY_2}{ΔX_2}. If these slopes match, the points lie in a straight line; otherwise not.

Let’s understand this with the help of a visualization:

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