Minimum Operations to Make All Array Elements Equal

Try to solve the Minimum Operations to Make All Array Elements Equal problem.


You are given an array, nums, consisting of positive integers of size n and another array queries of size m. For each query ii in queries, the goal is to make all elements of nums equal to queries[i]. To achieve this, you can perform the following operation any number of times:

  • Increase or decrease an element of nums by 1.

Return an array answer of size m, where answer[i] is the minimum number of operations needed to make all elements of nums equal to queries[i]. After processing each query, the nums array is reset to its original state.


  • n ==== nums.length

  • m ==== queries.length

  • 1≤1 \leq n, m ≤103\leq 10^3

  • 1≤1 \leq nums[i], queries[i] ≤105\leq 10^5


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