Introduction to Tree Breadth-First Search

Let’s go over the Tree Breadth-first Search pattern, its real-world applications, and some problems we can solve with it.

About the pattern

A tree is a graph that contains the following properties:

  • It is undirectedA graph with edges that do not have a specific direction assigned to them..

  • It is acyclicA graph without cycles..

  • It is a connected graph where any two vertices are connected by exactly one path.

  • Its nodes can contain values of any data type.

The following key features set trees apart from other data structures, such as arrays or linked lists:

  • They organize data in a hierarchical manner with a root node at the top and child nodes branching out from it.

  • They are nonlinear, which means that the elements in a tree are not arranged sequentially but rather in a branching structure.

  • The time complexity for the search and insert operations in trees is typically O(logn)O(\log n) ...

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